The Foundation’s Plan For Peacetime Military Conscription of Males: No Exceptions, Exclusions, or Deferments
In the history of the world, no nation has fielded a more powerful, well-equipped, and better-educated military as the United States today.
Our military budget is larger than that of our five adversaries combined: Russia, China, North Korea, Panama, and Denmark.[i]
However, even the United States does not have sufficient money to pay for the Administration's three goals: Conquering Greenland and Panama, establishing a permanent base on the Moon, and repopulating Mars. The only solution is the one suggested by Robert Heinlein and adopted by the founders of the First Foundation: Jeff Bezos, Marc Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk.
What Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, and a handful of others know, that we don’t, is that technology and specific other hard sciences such as physics and genetics are now moving at such an accelerated pace, that what they dreamed about when they were pre-teens, reading Asimov, and Bradbury, and Herbert under the covers with a flashlight, can soon become a reality if the right forces are applied to the right politicians in the right ways.
The linchpin of this transformation is universal male military conscription. Of course, there will be opposition, partly because only men will be drafted, and only those who have served in the military will have suffrage, so fewer and fewer women will have their votes count. (All women will still have a constitutional right to vote, but the Supreme Court will hold that whether their votes are counted is up to the states).
The United States has had a long history of military conscription. Every major conflict, from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War, to World Wars I and II, including Korea and Vietnam, has relied to some degree on a draft.[ii] However, the major opposition to the draft during the Vietnam War led to the creation of the all-volunteer military in the early 1970s.[iii]
However, in each of these instances, significant opposition only started after the wars began and large numbers of lives were lost.[iv] China’s invasion of Taiwan is not likely to happen in the next few years.[v]For now, the vast majority of the voting public will support the draft. Consider:
Young males are dropping out of high school and universities at an increasing rate, living at home, and playing video games;[vi] Their parents are frantically looking for ways to get them out of the house and motivated to go to work. The Marines’s, Boy to Man Program, "We take your boys and make them into men," will become the most successful ad campaign in Superbowl history.
Of course, not all men drafted will be fit for military service, which brings in the other large constituency supporting conscription: working parents and unmarried women. Daycare will be free and available everywhere across the nation. This will be particularly popular in those states where abortion is illegal. In urban and underserved areas, where teachers are quitting in droves and getting jobs in the tech industry, their positions will be filled by “Soldiers Teaching for America.”
The near-term goal of conscription is the colonization of land where no one has ever wanted to go before: land that is so inhospitable to life--Greenland, the Moon, and Mars--that absent military service, no colonies could exist. While the ultimate goal lies far beyond our solar system, this cannot be achieved by the founders of the First Foundation, even if their life extension experiments are successful.
Colonizing the Moon and Mars will be enormously difficult without a large population willing to be permanently cut off from Earth. Particularly so with Mars, where people must live underground because of dangerous levels of high energy cosmic radiation and solar particles on the surface.[vii]
This is where Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink, comes in. All technology is dual use. It is often developed for noble purposes only to be transmuted into instruments of evil. Neuralink is currently developing connections between humans and computers to enable computers to help persons with neurological injuries to walk or see again. But it is also Musk’s goal to enhance human cognitive functions and his company makes no bones about looking for pioneers. Indeed, he is already signing them up to be lab rats.[viii] How will this technology be used once it can be employed to stimulate those structures in the brain that crave adventure and feed on high levels of adrenaline? Connected by electrodes to Generative AI, these conscripts will beg for the opportunity to go to Mars and become the second generation of sentient creatures to occupy the planet. Terraforming Mars may take thousands of years, but by then, millions of men will be on the planet.
And they will all look like Matt Damon.
[i] Military Budget By Country, World Stats (Updated 2025),
[iii] The Evolution of the All-Voluntary Force, Rand Corp.
[iv] The Draft, History,
[v]Will China Invade Taiwan Under Trump? What Experts Think, Newsweek,
[vi] The National Desk, Young men are accomplishing less than ever before. Experts point to 'male malaise.',
[vii] Challenges facing the human exploration of Mars, The Planetary Society,
[viii] Neuralink, Redefining the boundaries of human capabilities requires pioneers,